Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Taking Research to an Extreme

I've always done extensive research for my stories. I've traveled to Rome, Egypt and Greece, hired private guides, spent hours in museums. But this time I've outdone myself!

Hestia, the protagonist in the novel I'm working on, Agathon's Daughter, has a bad foot. In ancient Greece, unwanted babies (especially girls) were left to die by exposure, and sometimes their ankles were chained to a rock. That's what happened to Hestia.

So, yesterday, I managed to mess up my foot quite badly. How? At work, when several of us were pulling an extremely heavy jet stairway away from a plane, the wheel ran over my toes. Yes, it was excrutiating, and I almost severed a toe, which would have put a damper on my future dancing. I got rushed to the hospital, and they did surgery on my foot. So, now I've got pins in my toes for four weeks, and I can't work. I have to wear this uncomfortable boot for three months. Sigh...

The good news: I have four solid weeks to write. Hopefully, I won't be too doped up to concentrate. Also: this is making me closer to Hestia. We both hobble around. :)

I don't recommend this type of research! But, if a stairway runs over your foot, try to make the best of it. Here's a photo:


Ruth Harris said...

Wow, sorry to hear you're hurt. That IS carrying devotion to your art a bit Over The Top. Or, I should say, Over The Foot.

Take care!

Suzanne Tyrpak said...

Thanks, Ruth. I hope to write a lot, if I'm not too drugged up. Got a bit done today, but the foot is killing me right now--even on oxycodone. :(

J. E. Medrick said...

I'm so sorry to hear that!! If it makes you feel any better, "if it's sharp, I will cut myself" on literally _anything_ :P

YA: Cheat, Liar, Coward, Thief
Adult: Shackled

Suzanne Tyrpak said...


Anonymous said...

Oh no! That is terrible. Do you have anyone to help you?

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That is terrible. Do you at least have someone to help you?

Suzanne Tyrpak said...

Thank you for your concern, fnyvlntine. Fortunately, I have wonderful friends who have been helping me.

Also, I spoke to the workmen's comp insurance company today, and they are going to help me with a nurse and transportation.

Anonymous said...


Suzanne Tyrpak said...

And I've had time to work on my next historical suspense novel, Agathon's Daughter!