Sunday, June 12, 2011

Anticipation in Reality

I love epublishing, and these days I do most of my reading on my Kindle or my computer, but I admit it...I also enjoy paper books and real newspapers. 

It's exciting to hold a copy of Vestal Virgin in my hands. And it's exciting to know I'll be signing books and reading from my novel at a real bookshop this Tuesday. I love the world of cyberspace, but even more I love the real, tangible world. 

On Tuesday, I will set out delicious cheese that I bought in New York and carried back to Durango. I've chosen passages to read from my book, and I will practice reading them aloud. I've arranged to have Tuesday afternoon off from work. I did a radio interview, sent out emails, got a great review in the Durango Herald, our local paper. And Maria's Bookshop has sent out press releases and posts. In other words: my book signing has required a lot of preparation and has involved quite a few people. 

This is tangible. I feel the excitement in every part of my body. 

Now...will people come? 

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