Saturday, February 19, 2011

Vestal Virgin coming out in trade paperback

Yes, I love my Kindle, but I have to admit that I'm extremely excited to be bring Vestal Virgin out in paperback. Now my family will actually believe I'm a writer--I mean, I'll have proof. Even I will believe I'm actually a writer.

I just read through the proofs, and Terry Roy has done and incredible job. She went beyond anything I'd hoped for, incorporating Jeroen ten Berge's gorgeous cover designs into the interior of the book. By the way, Terry Roy is the author of several books, DiscoveryDiscovery, A Far-Out RomanceConvergence - Journey to Nyorfias, book one, and Gravity - Journey to Niorfias, book two--please check them out.

Being an indie author may, at times, feel like a lone journey, but it's not. Many people helped me to create this book. And most of them have been paid very little. Creating a book is an act of faith, an act of love. And publishing, I've come to learn, is just part of the journey.

Many thanks to everyone I've met along the way so far, and I can't wait to meet the rest of you!


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