
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting Close to the End

I don't recommend losing a toe in order to get time off from work, but losing a toe has benefited my writing. I'm a few thousand words away from writing the end of my new novel, Agathon's Daughter--suspense in ancient Greece. I've decided to break the story into three parts. Book One will be, Hetaera, book two, Priestess, book three, Oracle.

This spring I had no idea how I would find the time to complete the book. I work extremely long hours at the airport: fourteen hour split shifts, sometimes longer, and I'm frequently too exhausted to write on my first day off. If someone had said, "Would you give up a toe to have time to finish your next novel?" I might have said, yes. Just kidding, but having time to write has been wonderful. In fact, if not for my poor foot, I'd have to say that I've been living my dream life this summer.

For me, the most difficult part of writing is getting out that first draft. I love to rewrite, and I usually edit as I go, because I find rewriting so much easier than getting out the story the first time. Perhaps it's because I tend to let my imagination go on the first draft, and that can lead me up blind alleys or on some crazy tangent. This was especially true when I was on narcotics. I'd end up with characters who had no business in the story, or go off into some fantasy which took the action into a whole other direction. The middle of a book is always a muddle for me.

But now I'm almost at the end. I can see it. Just have to write about eight more scenes, and I know what they are--at least, I think I do. Then, I'm onto bliss: rewriting. I could probably rewrite forever, but I'm forced to stop when I keep changing the same sentence.

On top of seeing the end, on top on being able to get my foot into a shoe and drive, on top of all that: I've worked out a deal with a major Literary Agency, The Literary Group International and they will be representing my work for trade publishing, but until that happens, I will continue to self publish! This a new model and very exciting.

And on top of that: The amazing, wonderful writer, Tess Gerritsen has written an incredible foreward for Agathon's Daughter. I worked on the book a few years ago in a workshop I took with Tess at the Maui Writers' Retreat. Her belief in my writing has sustained me through some very tough times, and I can't thank her enough.

Thank you, Tess!
Thank you, universe.

And for my Jewish friends and relations: Happy New Year! Shanah Tovah!


  1. Suzanne, what great news! Not about the toe—lol—but about the book! And I completely agree with you about rewriting & revising: IMO re & re are the name of the game! For me, 1st drafts are hard because I don't know the characters yet & struggle to find them.

  2. Thanks for the congrats, Ruth!

    And it's good to know I'm in good company for my love of rewriting. :)

  3. Seems to me like it would be worth losing a few more unneeded extremities. What use are toes anyway?

    Come to that, how may words ia a full foot amputation worth? Or maybe a leg? That could be your next three books sorted!

  4. What a blessing. Not losing the toe, of course, but being able to draw so much inspiration and energy from the whole experience. And to have such a friend. Go, Suzanne, go!

  5. Oh Suzanne, I really like your attitude about life. I am all about having a positive attitude, trusting in a bit of luck and putting in a lot of hard work. I'm glad you saw the positive side of things and this is evident in your post. You started it off with a lost but then went on to share your success. I am very happy for you! Best of luck with your writing.

    Red sent me!

  6. Hi Na, Welcome! Sorry I just saw your post--I just finished writing my next novel, and I've been buried. :)

  7. You've finished? Hey, let's celebrate!!!

  8. Red is great! Thanks for visiting, Rachel.

  9. “Trick or Treat! Thanks for playing Red’s Trick or Treat Bash! I’m looking forward to reading your book on my new Kindle!, Red sent me!” (

  10. Good luck to you!

    Trick or Treat! Thanks for playing Red’s Trick or Treat Bash! I’m looking forward to reading your book on my new Kindle!, Red sent me!

  11. Thanks Holly, Red Tash is sending lots of cool trick or treaters. :)

  12. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by. I just gave the manuscript to my ediotor last night.

  13. Hey Suzanne -

    Congrats on working out an agent deal and finishing your book! Enjoyed our lunch, and hope to reconnect soon. I'm busily rewriting and trying to learn the wonderful worlds of e-publishing, blogging etc. Take care of that toe!

  14. Hey Suzanne -

    Congrats on working out an agent deal and finishing your book! Enjoyed our lunch, and hope to reconnect soon. I'm busily rewriting and trying to learn the wonderful worlds of e-publishing, blogging etc. Take care of that toe!

  15. @ C Goold. That's great. Let me know if I can help. :)
