
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Voices at the Durango Library

Writing is a lonely endeavor, especially writing a novel, which takes a long time, and it can make you crazier, assuming you're already crazy enough to try to string together that many words. A writing group can offer useful feed-back, and even help to keep you sane--or at least assure you that you're not the only crazy one.

The writing group I belong to has been meeting and morphing for about ten years. On Wednesday, March 10, we'll be reading original work at the Durango Library, so if you're in town, stop by at 7pm. Doug Walker and Haz Said will be reading poetry, Dinah Swan will read a ten minute play, Terry Junttonen, Blake Crouch and I will be reading short stories. The lineup will run from sublime to seriously sick, I'm sure.

What else? Oh yeah, tomorrow night I'll be reading from my teenage diaries (along with others, anxious to be humiliated) for OMG at The Abbey Theater at 7pm. Along with other adolescent ramblings you'll be subjected to my poem, "Super Stud," written when I was sixteen.